Saturday, September 6, 2008

alex's first soccer game

Today was Alex's first soccer game. His team is named the Spiders (the kids picked out their own name). He did a great job being goalie, he had 3 saves. The crowd was roaring. He didn't however like running down the field as much. He said he was "dying". (It was about 92 degrees today) So goalie is more his style.

It was a little hot for Andrew today so he stayed at MeMaw's

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Andrews new haircut

First Post

It's late on a Saturday night, and I'm just learning about blogging from my little brother. Seems like a nice way to stay in touch with friends and family. So we'll try it out.
Alex just finished his 2nd week of school. It has been an adjustment. He also had his last basketball game today.
Andrew is doing well, doing everything his big brother does.